Recogemos en esta publicación algunas de las actividades desarrolladas aprovechando la celebración de Halloween:
- Alumnado de E2D y DICU 3º: Lectura de relatos de miedo con realización de efectos sonoros.
- Alumnado de 1º de ESO: En una biblioteca en penumbras, con tan solo la luz de unas velas y sonidos terroríficos de fondo, lectura de relatos de creación propia.
Estas son algunas fotos del momento:
- Alumnado de E3D y E3E: Creación de microrrelatos y relatos de terror en inglés.
Compartimos a continuación los textos escritos por el alumnado de esos grupos:
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. I woke up and went out of bed. When I stood up, I started to fall and fall. Today, in my dreams, I’m still falling. It 's horrible!
Francisco Javier D. G. - 3º ESO D
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. The door of my room was open and a strange smell was coming from the kitchen. I went downstairs but I was scared to death. When I got downstairs I couldn’t believe it: a human head, which seemed to be torn off, was splattered with blood all over my counter.
Carmen C. C. - ·3º ESO E
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. I was on my bed but I was hearing the noises on the first floor. With fear, I decided to go to the living room, from where the noises were coming. I tried to go downstairs but the stairs wouldn’t let me do so. The noises were louder and louder and my head hurt so much I couldn’t bear it. It was terrible! Then, the alarm clock rang and I woke up from the nightmare.
Aitana C. G. - 3º ESO D
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. It sounded like claps, so I thought my parents were making love. However, when I went to my parents’ room I saw a person killing them. I went to bed but I couldn’t sleep. In the morning, I found a text written on the wall saying: “I knew that u weren’t sleeping”
Hugo G. F. - 3º ESO E
On Halloween of 2025, the zombies dominated our planet. Only one person survived the attack because he could fight against them. Unfortunately, the zombies attacked him again and they ripped his head off. From that moment on, they dominated the whole planet until the end of days.
Yeray A. V. - 3º ESO E
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. It was a dark night, with no one around who could see or hear me. I walked down the street hoping someone would hear me, but there was no luck.
I was terrified and I looked back without knowing what was chasing me. I only knew it was something hairy, with ten heads - one on top of the other. They had always told me that monsters didn’t exist but, at that moment, I believed it more than ever. The monster was behind me and it was going to eat me when suddenly… my alarm went off and it turned out to be just a nightmare.
Cristina A. G. - 3º ESO D
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. I couldn't move from my bed, fear had me paralysed. Then, I heard two more noises; like a two-hundred-kilo person jumping. The noises could be heard nearer and nearer for seconds so I could get out of the bed, go to the window and jump. That wouldn’t hurt because it was December and the snow would stop my fall.
When I opened the window and looked down I saw ghosts standing in the garden, as if they knew I would jump from the window so I started screaming but I stopped at the moment; that person, monster or whatever couldn’t know I was in the bedroom.
The only exit I could use was the front door so I opened my bedroom door and looked right and left. I could see nobody so I ran to the front door and continued running till the police department.
Alba D. G. - 3º ESO E
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. I was sleeping in my bed but, suddenly, I woke up in an abandoned place. I was alone and my environment was terrible. It was night and it was ruined. The walls were broken; there were some crystals and stones on the floor and the walls had some drawings made with graffiti so I started looking at the whole place. In those minutes, I felt scared. Then, I decided to stand up and walk around the place. I didn’t know the use that place had had before, but it had a lot of rooms. I thought it could have been a hospital many years ago.
I was exploring the place when suddenly I saw a dark shadow running around it. At that moment, my blood ran cold and in a blink of an eye, the shadow was very close to me. It was like 10 centimetres from my face. The only difference was that it had no face!
Helena G. M. - 3º ESO D
As I heard the noise, I opened my eyes. I was sleeping when I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I was at my sister’s house, so I was scared. I went to the kitchen and I saw a vampire; he was young and had pale skin. I was alone, so nobody could hear me. The vampire was good because he told me he was a nice monster, but I got away and ran very fast. The night was cold and dark and I was barefoot. Suddenly, I saw a cottage and I hid in it. However, the vampire followed me and apologised. He told me he had made a mistake.
Finally, we became friends and we went to scare other houses together. It was the best night of my life!
Adriana D.L. - 3º ESO D
Once upon a time there was a pumpkin that was different to all the other pumpkins. She lived in a very distant town and on a Halloween night a mad scientist named LaMuerte was in the middle of a snowfall sending a lightning bolt to give life to a monster. LaMuerte forgot to press the button to open the laser eye and the beam accidentally landed on a pumpkin. Later, a boy named Ben was looking for a pumpkin to put it as an ornament on the front door of his house and the one he took was the haunted pumpkin.
Later, Ben called his friend Nevil to help him carry the pumpkin to Ben’s yard for Halloween.
At night, when the children went out to collect sweets, a monster called Calavera came out of the pumpkin and began killing everyone around it except the children, who did not realise it.
Then, LaMuerte came and told Calavera: “Ben, that child, was the one who created you, it wasn’t me”. LaMuerte said that to save the children.
Walid B. - 3º ESO E
This story begins with a girl who woke up at 3 in the morning because of a very strange noise in the basement. The girl was alone at home and she went down with great fear. While she was going downstairs, the noises were louder and louder until the girl got paralysed when she saw that a man in disguise was in her house.
The man attacked her, ending with her life.
Paula C.G. - 3º ESO E
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